Category Archives: photography


House of Virgin Mary

House of Virgin Mary
Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary in her house exterior.

Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary in her house exterior.

The House of the Virgin (Meryemana in Turkish), located in a nature park between Ephesus and Seljuk, is believed to be the last residence of the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. The peaceful site is sacred to both Catholics  and Muslims, (Muslims also believe in the virgin birth and honor Mary as the mother of the Prophet Jesus and given the emphasis placed on the Virgin Mary in the Qur’an.) and is visited by many tourists and pilgrims.

Catholic tradition associates Mary with Ephesus because at the time of his death, Jesus put Mary in the care of John, who then spent many years spreading Christianity in this region. 

The house was discovered in the 19th century by following the descriptions in the reported visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774–1824), a Roman Catholic nun and visionary, which were published as a book by Clemens Brentano  after her death, Following the book’s publication, ruins of a house were discovered at the present site and declared to be the house where Mary had lived the final years of her life. Known as the Panaya Kapula (‘Doorway to the Virgin’), the site has been a much venerated pilgrimage destination since the late 1880

The shrine itself is not extensively large, but may rather be described as a modest chapel. Upon entrance to the chapel, a pilgrim is met by one single large room where an altar along with a large statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary is prominently displayed in the center. The small, T-shaped stone building consists of a bedroom on the right side — traditionally associated with the actual room where the Virgin Mary is believed to have slept, and a kitchen (on the left). The interior is kept simple and austere, fitted only with an altar, images of Mary and candles.

Some visitors choose to kneel in front of the alter instead. The alter has a small statue of Mary surrounded by colourful bouquets of flowers. Photography is not allowed inside the chapel.

Photo © Ephesus Guide.

Photo © Ephesus Guide.

Photo © Ephesus Guide.

Photo © Ephesus Guide.




The spring  is found at the exit of the church , a rather salt water, and can be drunk and is believed to have miraculous powers of healing or fertility, and many miracles have been reported. Inside the house are crutches and canes said to be left behind by those who were healed by the sacred spring.


The most amazing was the  wishing wall which pilgrims have used by tying their personal intension on thousands of scraps of paper or fabric, and photos


A liturgical ceremony is held here each year on August 15, Catholics and Muslims gather at the shrine to commemorate the Assumption of Mary.

 The Roman Catholic Church has never pronounced on the authenticity of the house, for lack of scientifically acceptable evidence. It has, however, from the blessing of the first pilgrimage by Pop Leo XIII in 1896, taken a positive attitude towards the site. Pope Pius XII in 1951, following the definition of the dogma of the Assumption in 1950, elevated the house to the status of a holy place, a privilege later made permanent by Pope John XXIII, and the most recent in 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI

Photo © Ephesus Guide.

Photo © Ephesus Guide.


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Pameran foto ” Alam dan Budaya Indonesia” GPI

Pameran foto ” Alam dan Budaya Indonesia” GPI

Gallery Photography Indonesia (GPI) mengadakan pameran foto di Gedung Arsip Nasional, pada tanggal 21-26 Oktober 2013. Pameran  ini diikuti oleh 100 orang fotografer, dan menampilkan 217 karya-karya  terbaik yang telah melewati proses kurasi dari 3 orang kurator yaitu : Klaas Stooppels, Faisal Arif Loebis dan Norbert Auryn.

brosur pameran

Katalog Pameran Foto GPI by John Foong

Ada  perasaan bangga karena ada 4 karya saya yang turut serta  dipamerkan, yaitu Kelimutu(Tiwu Nuwa Muri Kuo Fai), Feeding time, Royal Cremation, dan Abuy traditional dance. Walaupun ini tentang fotografi Indonesia, saya membiasakan diri untuk memberi judul karya saya dalam bahasa Inggris, dengan harapan siapa tahu suatu saat bisa go Internasional.

 Tiwu Nuwa Muri Kuo Fai

Kelimutu (Tiwu Nuwa Muri Kuo Fai),  Terletak di desa Pemo, Kabupaten Ende, Flores, NTT. Danau tempat berkumpulnya jiwa orang muda mudi yang telah meninggal . Untuk mendapat foto ini saya menginap di Moni dan  berangkat pukul 3.30  pagi dan berjalan cukup jauh supaya mendapat foto saat matahari terbit. menahan rasa kantuk dan udara dingin.

 Feeding Time

Feeding Time

Melukiskan suatu jalinan batin yang erat antara seorang pria bali dan ayam jagonya, betapa pria ini amat menyayangi ayam jagonya, karena bagi seorang pria Bali, ayam adalah simbol ekspresi dan magnifikasi dari pemiliknya.

Royal cremation

Royal Cremation

Perjuangan mendapat foto ini menjadi cerita tersendiri ketika harus naik ke mobil pemadam kebakaran dengan memakai kain dan kebaya, cerita lengkap lihat di

 Abuy traditional dance

Abuy Traditional Dance

Tarian traditional suku Abuy di Pulau Alor yang saya abadaikan ketika mengadakan trip bersama GPI.



Inilah karya-karya  terbaik yang dapat saya persembahkan dalam pameran ini, sebagai sumbangan kecil untuk memperkenalkan budaya Indonesia, dan memberi sumbangan untuk pariwisata Indonesia.  Ada rasa bangga dan haru melihat betapa indahnya hasil jepretan kamera rekan-rekan fotografer GPI. Makin menyadarkan saya tentang betapa beragamnya budaya Indonesia dan betapa cantik alam Indonesia yang baru sebagian kecil diabadikan oleh para fotografer.


Saya selalu mengatakan dengan bangga I am Photographer, I am Indonesian. sesuai dengan motto GPI, Proud to be Indonesian Photographer. Terima kasih untuk semua pengurus GPI terutama untuk Oom Jeffry Surianto, Veronica Saver, dan Abah Bratawiria.  Semoga semakin banyak  keindahan alam Indonesia dan kekayaan budaya dapat diabadikan melalui lensa para photographer dan dapat dinikmati oleh lebih banyak orang melalui seni fotografi.


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Hill tribe Chiang Rai

Hill tribe Chiang Rai

This villages were located at northern most province of Thailand, near Chiang Rai approximately 830 km from Bangkok. Chiang Rai is known as the “Gateway to the Golden Triangle” – the meeting point of Thailand, Burma and Laos.
There are 5 hilltribe villages with more than 200 villagers living on this village. Ahka tribe, Long Neck Karen, Lahu (Muser) Tribe, Iu Mien, Palong(Big earring) tribe .

We have to pay  entrance fee 300baht per person

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The Ahka women wear black dresses and headgear richly embroided and decorate with silver coinc, beads and beaten silver jewellery. People are shy and clannish and settle at high attitudes. They often retain animistic convictions and protect their homes with altars, Fertility symbols, totems,etc, to ward off evil spirits. Gradually all the tribes are assimilating Thai culture through trade contact and Education in settlement schools. They sold handicraft and very cooperative to photoed, I Like took photograph of this old lady, her smile is so nice.

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Long Neck Karen
Legend claims that the brass rings protect the women from tiger bites. Others have reported that it is done to make the women unattractive so they are less likely to be captured by slave traders. The most common explanation, though, is the opposite of this — that an extra-long neck is considered a sign of great beauty and wealth and that it will attract a better husband. But actually the practice of wearing them helps maintain individual and tribal identity. The women wear rings on neck, arms and legs, they weave the fabric and sell to the tourist.

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A Long neck woman sell handicraft, and play guitar

A Long neck woman sell handicraft, and play guitar

a child care is available, i am interested at the thai letter,

a child care is available, i am interested at the thai letter,

The Lahu divide themselves into a number of subgroups, such as the Lahu Na (Black Lahu), Lahu Nyi (Red Lahu), Lahu Hpu (White Lahu), Lahu Shi (Yellow Lahu) and the Lahu Shehleh. Where a subgroup name refers to a color, it refers to the traditional color of their dress. These groups do not function as tribes or clans – there are no kin groups above that of the family.
The traditional Lahu religion is polytheistic. Buddhism was introduced in the late 1600s and became widespread. Many Lahu in China are Christians. Christianity became established in Burma in the 1800s and has been spreading since. They showed a tradtional dance with traditional music instrument, but my focus was the picture on the center, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. And they asked for some donation after the dance.

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DSC_7062a DSC_7065Iu Mien
For the past 2000 years, the records show that the Mien lived in the surrounding mountains near Tibet. The Mien moved constantly because they did not like the controlling ruling from the Han.

Palong (Big Earing)
The Palong (Palaung) who live in Thailand came from Myanmar (Burma). It is likely they originated in Southern China and migrated to Myanmar.



To visit or NOT?
Some people don’t want to visit this union tribe. There is entrance fee about 300 Baht per person to look these tribes, it’s like visiting zoo, Human Zoo, the tribes do singing and dancing, dressed up, just to ask for some donation, because this “villages” is set up for tourists, and are not natural, they have been allegations of imprisonment, and ill treatment by management of the villages, I saw a mother forced a child to get dress up and do some make up for the tourist, and the child is crying because she doesn’t want to, but she smile when i took photograph of her


I saw the tribes dance and sing just for the donation, they looked bored. The ladies forced the tourist to buy handicrafts in exchange of taking their photography.
On the contrary,
While the villages have been set up, it is where these ladies (and families) live, we can see different tribes just visit one villages, these tribes make a good living from visitors. The average wage for a days hard laboring in the fields is around 150 Baht. These ladies can earn more than that with relatively little effort. The souvenirs and handicrafts are nice and cheap. Many younger girls wearing rings and traditional custom, so it will do for the next generation. The ladies look absolutely stunning, great memories and great photographs.
For me, i enjoy my time in this villages, some of the older lady smile and look very nice with their traditional custom, and i gave them some money,and buy some handicrafts, and they looked happy. As long as there are no violence and coercion, and they do willingly, it is not a mistake to visit this village.



Posted by on September 4, 2013 in culture, nature, photo, photography, thailand, travel


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Wat Rong Khun, วัดร่องขุ่น ~ Thailand

Wat Rong Khun, วัดร่องขุ่น ~ Thailand

is known as White Temple is situated  about thirteen kilometers south of Chiang Rai, very near to Myanmar. Different from other temple. It is covered with combination of whitewash and tiny mirror chips that make it shine.

It  was built by artist, Ajarn Chalermchai Kositpipat. He  together with more than 60 followers devoted totally their effort and energy to make this structure their life work created this temple with his freedom, not under anybody’s influence or thought processes, so he did not accept donating from any sources including government

The artist used white color to represent Buddha’s purity while the mirrors symbolize Buddha’s dhamma, teaching men to observe their own mind and reflect kindness towards others.


Before entering the temple grounds, morbid and spooky statues and hanging heads welcome the new visitor. Skeletons and Demons warn the visitor about the dangers of Alcohol and Smoking.DSC_6937 DSC_6935


The whole architecture as well as the statues all around have been carefully studied and are imbued with riddles, teachings and Buddhist philosophy.


The Temple is surrounded by a pond with dozens of white and black fish guarded by dragons and fantastic mythological creatures.

surrounded by the pond

surrounded by the pond

Before crossing the bridge of the “Cycle of Rebirth”, we cannot prevent getting the chills gazing upon the hundreds of sculpted hands reaching up from “Hell”, symbolizing the way to happiness through overcoming cravings.




Twisted demon faces observe and mock the visitor as he prepares to purge his soul from cravings.

After crossing the Bridge, the visitor reaches the temple, the Abode of Buddha.


Although still unfinished, the paintings on the walls inside represent a mix of traditional Thai Buddhist art and contemporary scenes like a plane crashing into the twin towers, the war for Oil, many movie/comics characters like Neo, Batman, Doraemon, Kungfu Panda,  Superman and Star Wars droids. All superheroes painted to let people know that there really are no heroes in our world. so many morality declines , the world become ill , people lack moral standard. that is why Ajarn Chalermchai portray evil people as the demon with mouth opened encircled the entrance of the temple. Too bad photography inside the temple was not allowed . so I scan a view photos from guiding book.

scanned from white temple guiding book

scanned from white temple guiding book

scanned from white temple guiding book

scanned from white temple guiding book

scanned from white temple guiding book

scanned from white temple guiding book

scanned from white temple guiding book

scanned from white temple guiding book

scanned from white temple guiding book

scanned from white temple guiding book

When visitors walked out, they feel they leave the demon behind and going towards the highest level of dhamma, where people will not reborn, to meet the Lord Buddha at the edge of the universe.

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Next to the white temple, on the other side of the pond, is also a the “Gharavasa” (the layman quarters) where an Art gallery, a preaching hall and a “golden toilet” are located, I think that is the most beautiful public restroom, and free to enter and admire, many people took photo of themselves in front of this toilet.



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The temple-like building is supposed to represent the Body (as opposed to the white temple that represents the Mind). Charlemchai built the two bots (white and gold) in hope to teach people to let go and not cling to substance or money, and not to perceive the physical body as an assumed identity.

Ajarn Chalermchai builds this  temple is different from other temples that are golden. He believes that gold is suitable to people who lust for evil deeds. The Lord Buddha represent purity, and he use small mirrors throughout  the building is symbol of wisdom (Dharma) that shines throughout the universe.

“I want to build a heavenly garden (happiness) for humans to stroll in. I want all visitors of whatever religion to have feeling of peace, happiness and at the same time get to understand the meaning of Buddhism that can be seen all over the temple whether it’s in the architectural, the drawings , or the molding works” said Ajarn Chalermchai

Whether or not his message will reach visitors’ soul, Wat Rong Khun is scheduled to be completed by 2070 , remains one of the most unusual and interesting places of worship I have ever visited.

When it is completed, Wat Rong Khun will be a symbol to one man’s dedication to his country, his religion, and his present King, with a deep meaning behind every statue, corner or architectural design representing the wild creativity and vision. one day, it will also became a heritage of the world.

” I discipline the mind to train me toward being a good person with clear thinking, speaking well, and doing good deeds, We are all human, and I want to give goodness to people. If we have love and forgiveness in our hearts, it will come out naturally. You need to practice patience before you can control your own mind.” said Ajarn Chalermchai.




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Meklong train market (ตลาดแม่กลอง)

Meklong train market (ตลาดแม่กลอง)

It’s 5 to 9 as  I arrived at Maeklong train station, I saw that next the train would arrive at 9.40, so I decided to take a walk along the railway,


There are so many food stall, and many people sit and talk to their friends, read newspaper, just like common morning activities



Across the street there is a market
It looked like an ordinary Thai market , many tropical fruits and vegetables were in big brightly colored piles, varieties of chili pastes and herbs were abounding,
Thai dishes were freshly prepared, many varieties of fish, and beautiful lady sell flowers, the usual crowds were moseying around.







Suddenly sound of whistle is heard,and soon market dwellers turned on their alerted faces.
Everybody began to take position at the side of the railway, vendors roll back their produce, moved the fruits on the ground a little bit far from the track, and undo the awning, some of them help others to get ready.





And… the train nose peeked
around the curve and proceeded to chug straight into the market, brushing stalls and fruits with inches to spare.
No time to do about their stuff, like a fruit seller, he pointed to his rambutans, feeling worried the train would crush them, but he just sit back and saw the train come closer and closer…






As the last train car rolled through, the market unfolded in a magical display. vendors organize their produce back, very near to the track.
Within seconds the market was thriving once again and as if there is nothing extraordinary had happened.




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Ngaben Ceremony

Ngaben Ceremony

Ngaben ceremony is one of the most famous Hindu-Bali’s traditional-religious ceremonies. Ngaben is the ritual performed in Bali  to send the deceased to the next life and is perform by their families and local communities. The body of the deceased will be placed as if sleeping, and the family will continue to treat the deceased as sleeping. No tears are shed, because the deceased is only temporarily and will reincarnate to the better life or find his final rest in Moksha , freeing from the reincarnation and death cycle (Patika Samupadha).

At  Ngaben ceremony there are two main paraphernalia (equipment ceremony), namely Bade (cremation tower) and Lembu (giant bull, cremation sarcophagus), all is made of paper and wood.  The body of  the deceased is placed inside a coffin  This coffin is placed inside a  sarcophagus.  For the royal cremation (Pelebon ceremony), there are also a Naga Banda (a mythical dragon-like creature with a long tail). The Naga Banda is reserved for only the elders of the royal family and is seldom seen in cremation ceremonies

9-tiered roof, 25 meters high Bade ( cremation tower)

Naga Banda

The climax of Ngaben is the burning of the whole structure, together with the body of the deceased. The fire is necessary to free the spirit  from the body and enable reincarnation and final rest is Moksha.

Ngaben is not immediately performed. For higher caste members it is normal to perform the ritual within 3 days. For lower caste members the deceased are buried first and later, often in a group ceremony for the whole village, cremated.

Ngaben ceremony is not just about burning the body into ash (cremation) Ngaben ceremonies is a series of processions that occur since the person passed away until after the ash of the death has been thrown away into the sea.

Ngaben ceremony is a ceremony to purify and return the element of Panca Maga Butha (five elements of the universe that form the life itself) in human body (Bhuana Alit, the micro cosmos) to the universe (Bhuana Agung, the macro-cosmos). The elements of Panca Maha Butha in the body of human are:

– Petiwi (the earth, solid matters); like the flesh, bones, and teeth.

– Apah (the water); like blood, tears, saliva, and mucus

– Teja (the light); like the aura and the light of eyes.

– bayu (the air, the wind); like breathe and energy.

-Akasa (the space); the abstract elements (the ether) in human body.

In the Hindu- Balinese religion, there is also known a fundamental concept called Tri Rna.Tri Rna means three types of debts of a human during his/her life, namely :

1. Dewa Rna : debt to creator, who created man and nature that provides all its contents to human life

2. Rsi Rna : debt to Rsi (teacher), who has spread the science for the benefit of mankind.

3. Pitra Rna : debt to parents and ancestors, who had given birth, nurture, and educate humans from the womb to adulthood.

To pay for all these three debts, the Hindu Balinese people perform various ceremonies. Ngaben ceremony is the implementation to Pitra Yadnya(ceremonies). The ceremony must be performed by the family of the death as good as possible.

Ngaben ceremony is a Hindu Bali traditional-religious ceremony which had been held since the past and still survived until now in the midst of changing times.

The Royal Cremation and Mass Cremation Ceremony, July 28, 2012

The Pelebon ceremony was  conducted by Tjokorda Putra Dharma Yudha from Puri Kemudasari, Ubud; a branch of the local royal family. While the mass Ngaben ceremony was carried out for deceased community members from 4 banjars in the Ubud Area. In this ceremony we also can see the togetherness among the Puri Ubud and the community and among community members.

The departure ceremony was from Catus Patha (Ubud main intersection). For the royal cremation, the body was carried by a 9-tiered roof, 25 meters high Bade (cremation tower) to the location of cremation at Pura Dalem Peliatan, which is about 800 meters to the east of Puri Ubud.

lembu from 4 banjars,

Mina, another form of lembu for the lower caste

Although it is a ceremony of death, but Ngaben ceremony atmosphere is always lively. Besides being a traditional-religious ceremony, Ngaben ceremony has also become one of the most famous tourist attractions in Bali.

tourist attraction

Ceremonial Conductor

the musician

the musician

Pedanda from Pura Dalem Peliatan, Ubud

The mass cremation was held after royal cremation. The remains of the bodies were carried to the location of cremation at Setra Desa Pakraman Ubud (Ubud village cemetery)

Bull from 4 Banjars

Mass Cremation

Tonina Rikin, took my photograph in the Royal ceremony wear the Bali costume.


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Tujuan Wisata Tana Toraja

Toraja  berada  di sebelah utara Makassar, ibukota Sulawesi Selatan, dengan jarak 350km  dan bisa ditempuh dengan mobil sekitar 7 -10 jam perjalanan, atau dengan pesawat terbang domestik yang  sampai tulisan ini dibuat, hanya beroperasi seminggu sekali dengan pesawat kecil berpenumpang delapan orang, sekitar 45 menit dari Bandara Hasanuddin Makassar.

Tana Toraja dihuni oleh Suku Toraja yang mendiami daerah pegunungan dan mempertahankan gaya hidup yang khas dan masih menunjukkan gaya hidup Austronesia yang asli dan mirip dengan budaya Nias.

Sepanjang perjalanan menuju Toraja tampak panorama alam yang cantik. salah satunya adalah Gunung Nona di Enrekang, tempat di mana kita bisa beristirahat dan minum kopi enak khas Makassar.

Pemandangan Gunung Nona

Mesjid di tengah kota Enrekang

Gunung yang berkabut

Tana Toraja terkenal dengan kekayaan budayanya, terlebih-lebih adalah tata cara pemakaman yang unik, dan biasanya dengan 3 cara  yaitu:

1. Dalam Gua batu : Peti mati  seluruh anggota keluarga disimpan di dalam gua batu, dengan patung kayu yang disebut Tau tau, yang diletakkan di gua dan menghadap keluar.  atau di makam batu berukir, atau digantung di tebing.

2.Pada makam batu berukir, biasanya untuk  orang kaya. Pembuatan makam tersebut biasanya mahal dan waktu pembuatannya sekitar beberapa bulan.

3. Digantung dengan tali di sisi tebing, biasanya untuk  bayi atau anak-anak. Tali tersebut biasanya bertahan selama setahun sebelum membusuk dan membuat petinya terjatuh.

Beberapa Wisata pemakaman yang terdapat di Tana Toraja :

Ke’te Kesu Toraja

Di Desa Ke’te Kesu, 4 km dari Rantepao, terdapat kubur batu tertua di Toraja, dengan Tongkonan, lumbung padi, bangunan megalith,  tau-tau (patung manusia) dalam bangunan batu, dan karya seni ukir khas Toraja. Sekitar 100 meter di belakang perkampungan ini terdapat situs pekuburan tebing dengan kuburan bergantung dan tau-tau dalam bangunan batu yang diberi pagar. Tau-tau ini memperlihatkan penampilan pemiliknya sehari-hari.

Di sebelahnya terdapat bukit batu yang sudah mulai dirembesi air dari atasnya. Di dindingnya terdapat beberapa lubang berbentuk bujursangkar yang ditutup dengan papan kayu yang diukir. Konon di dalamnya ada ruangan-ruangan lagi yang menjadi kuburan keluarga.

Kawasan batu pemakaman ini diselimuti pohon bambu yang menjulang. terdapat tangga yang disekitarnya banyak terdapat erong-erong lapuk dan berserakan tulang belulang manusia serta tengkorak.

photograph by Sharen Adeline

Erong-erong adalah sebutan peti mati adat Tana Toraja. Erong-erong juga punya bentuk tersendiri yang menggambarkan jenis kelamin si penghuni.  Jika jenazah perempuan, ujung erong-rong berbentuk kepala babi . Sedangkan jika laki-laki  bentuknya  perahu. Semua erong-erong dihadapkan ke arah utara.

Bentuk perahu pada peti jenazah pun mengartikan tanda penghormatan kepada leluhur Toraja yang konon dipercaya datang dengan perahu dari arah utara.

Di sudut dinding batu tersebut terdapat tau-tau satu rumpun keluarga. Tau-tau adalah sebutan untuk patung-patung para jenazah yang dimuliakan. Biasanya hanya keluarga bangsawan yang memiliki kesanggupan atas pembuatan tau-tau.

Di bagian luar dinding batu, ada tangga menuju ke atas yang terdapat gua dengan pintu yang cukup besar, terlihat beberapa karangan bunga dan di dalam gua terdapat peti mati bersusun dihiasi dengan foto orang yang meninggal.

Makam Sarungalo 

Merupakan makam seorang bangsawan yang disegani di Toraja, dikubur bersama istrinya dalam sebuah makam modern yang disebut patane.

Kubur Bayi Kambira

Berupa sebuah pohon terletak  di Kampung Kambira, Kecamatan Sangalla, 20 km dari Rantepao, disebut Passiliran, berada di atas pohon Tarra dengan lubang berbentuk kotak-kotak persegi dimana jasad bayi yang belum tumbuh gigi diletakkan.

Pohon ini dipercaya mempunyai getah semacam cairan susu ibu, sehingga bayi yang dikuburkan masih seperti mendapat makanan yang mirip dengan apa yang didapat di rahim ibunya.

Di atas pohon tarra yang buahnya mirip buah sukun yang biasa dijadikan sayur oleh penduduk setempat itu dengan lingkaran batang pohon sekitar 3,5 meter, tersimpan puluhan jenazah bayi.
Sebelum jenazah dimasukkan ke batang pohon, terlebih dahulu pohon itu dilubangi kemudian mayat bayi diletakkan ke dalam kemudian ditutupi dengan serat pohon kelapa berwarna hitam. Setelah puluhan tahun, jenazah bayi itu akan menyatu dengan pohon tersebut. Ini suatu daya tarik bagi para pelancong dan untuk masyarakat Tanah Toraja tetap menganggap tempat tersebut suci seperti anak yang baru lahir.
Penempatan jenazah bayi di pohon ini juga disesuaikan dengan strata sosial masyarakat. Makin tinggi derajat sosial keluarga itu maka makin tinggi pula tempat bayi yang dikuburkan di batang pohon Tarra tersebut. Bahkan, bayi yang meninggal dunia diletakkan sesuai arah tempat tinggal keluarga yangberduka. Kalau rumahnya ada di bagian barat pohon, maka jenazah anak akan diletakkan di sebelah barat.
Meski mengubur bayi di atas pohon tarra itu sudah tidak dilaksanakan lagi sejak puluhan tahun terakhir, tetapi pohon tempat “mengubur” mayat bayi itu masih tetap tegak dan banyak dikunjungi wisatawan.


Kubur Batu LONDA

photograph by Sharen Adeline

Terletak di  Desa Sandan Uai, Kec Sanggalangi, 5 km ke arah selatan dari Rantepao, merupakan gua alam tempat kubur para leluhur masyarakat Toraja, berkedalaman 1 km, dengan ratusan tengkorak dan tulang berusia ratusan tahun, serta peti-peti mati ,  Di beberapa tempat naik turun cukup terjal, kadang2 untuk melewatinya harus membungkuk. Di dalam gua terdapat banyak tengkorak yang sebagian sudah berumur ratusan tahun, dan menurut penjaganya, orang dilarang untuk memindahkan atau mengambil tulang belulang tersebut.

Di beberapa sisi gua juga ditemukan deretan patung-patung kecil (tau-tau). Tau-tau ini sekaligus menandakan mereka-mereka yang telah dimakamkan dengan upacara adat tertinggi di wilayah tersebut. Tidak semua yang dimakamkan dibuatkan tau-tau. Hanya yang memenuhi syarat dan kriteria tertentu sajalah yang dibuatkan tau-tau yang bentuk rupanya persis seperti si almarhum/almarhumah.  Seringkali, di Tau-tau itu juga disertakan harta benda kesayangan dari jenasah yang dimakamkan di Londa.

Di pintu masuk ada juga beberapa erong yaitu peti mati khas Toraja yang tertanam di dinding goa, yang di dalamnya  masih tersimpan tulang dari jenasah yang konon telah meninggal ratusan tahun lalu. Di dinding goa yang tersusun dari batu kapur itu terdapat beberapa buah erong. Tinggi dari setiap erong yang tertanam di dinding Goa Londa tidaklah sama. Semakin tinggi derajat atau status sosial dari sang mendiang, semakin tinggi pula posisi peletakan peti matinya. Pada saat perayaan para sanak keluarga datang untuk berdoa dan membawa sesaji yang diyakini kesukaan mendiang, seperti rokok, air putih, sirih, pinang,  dan makanan, namun akibatnya dalam gua menjadi kotor dan berserakan rokok dan botol minuman.




Kubur Batu LEMO

Terletak di  kecamatan Makale Utara, di mana jasad leluhur diletakkan di dalam liang-liang pada dinding tebing cadas yang ditatah, terdapat tau-tau yang menghadap ke alam terbuka, pakaiannya diganti secara berkala dalam upacara Ma’nene.

Lemo adalah tempat pekuburan dinding berbatu. Letaknya di Desa Lemo. Disebut Lemo, karena pekuburan batu utama memiliki dinding yang berkerut-kerut seperti kulit jeruk atau lemo dalam bahasa setempat. Diperkirakan ada sekitar 75 buah lubang batu kuno di tempat ini. Di dalam lubang-lubang batu tersebut juga ditemui patung-patung(tau-tau)  dari mereka yang sudah meninggal dan dimakamkan di sini .

Situs Purbakala Bori

Terletak di kecamatan Sesean, dan di sebut Situs Purbakala, Bori adalah sebuah obyek wisata kuno dan unik, karena adanya tradisi yang melekat erat sejak ratusan tahun . Yang menjadi keunikan menhir di Bori, bukan hanya terletak pada jumlah kerbau yang dipersembahkan pada saat upacara penguburan, tetapi dalam bentuk pembuatan menhir.

Obyek wisata utamanya  adalah rante (tempat upacara pemakaman secara adat yang dilengkapi dengan buah menhir / megalit), dalam bahasa Toraja disebut simbuang batu. Seratus dua batu menhir yang berdiri dengan megah terdiri dari 24 buah ukuran besar, 24 buah ukuran sedang dan 54 buah ukuran kecil. Nilai adat tidak tergantung ukuran menhir, penyebab perbedaan adalah situasi dan kondisi pada saat pembuatan / pengambilan batu, misalnya; masalah waktu, kemampuan biaya dan situasi pada masa kemasyarakatan. Megalit / simbuang batu hanya diadakan bila seorang pemuka masyarakat yang meninggal dunia dan upacaranya dilaksanakan dalam tingkat Rapasan Sapurandanan (kerbau yang dipotong sekurang-kurangnya 24 ekor).


Batutumonga berada di wilayah perbukitan ke arah barat laut dari kota Rantepao. Daerah ini merupakan kawasan pertanian yang sangat subur, batu-batu gunung yang besar bertebaran dimana-mana, dari mulai tengah sawah, pinggir hutan hingga pinggir jalan. Di tengan  perjalanan menuju Batutumonga, tampak kubur batu ditengah sawah. Salah satu tempat peristirahatan adalah restauran Mentirotiku dengan menu khas sate kerbau.

Batutumonga, photograph by Sharen Adeline


Tongkonan Pallawa, terletak sekitar 12 km ke arah utara dari Rantepao,  adalah salah satu tongkonan atau rumah adat yang sangat menarik dan berada di antara pohon-pohon bambu di puncak bukit. Tongkonan tersebut didekorasi dengan sejumlah tanduk kerbau yang ditancapkan di bagian depan rumah adat, yang menandakan status sosial pemilik rumah.

Semakin banyak jumlah tanduknya, semakin terpandang keluarga tersebut, karena yang dipajang adalah tanduk kerbau yang telah dikorbankan oleh keluarga tersebut.

Tongkonan Pallawa

Ibu Penjual souvenir dalam rumah Tongkonan


Sentra tenun kain khas toraja secara tradisional. Sentra tenun ini terletak di pinggir sungai Sa’dan, terdapat beberapa kios yang menjual kain hasil tenunan di tempat ini.

Tongkonan desa Sa’dan

Pembuat Kain Tenun

Souvenir Khas Toraja

Souvenir khas toraja biasanya berupa patung, atau ukiran yang terbuat dari kayu atau gading.

alat musik tradisional

Alat musik tradisional


Sharen Adeline at souvenir shop

sumber: Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia
thanks to Sharen Adeline untuk sumbangan foto-fotonya yang cantik dan perjalanan yang menyenangkan.
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Posted by on August 21, 2012 in culture, photography, the beauty of Indonesia, travel


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Frame from Gallery Photography Indonesia

Foto-foto yang mendapat frame dari Gallery Photography Indonesia sebagai Best Night Shot dan Best Landscape, updated 20 August 2011

City light of Singapore

City light of Singapore


Marina Bayfront at night


Patricia Lake, Jasper, Canada

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Posted by on August 20, 2011 in Canada, photography, travel


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High Park, Toronto, Spring 2011

According to the official City of Toronto website ,  over one million visitors annually come to high park. High Park is the jewel of Toronto’s park system. The park, over one-third of which remains in a natural state, is home to many species of wildlife, including birds, fish and animals. Recognized as one of the most significant natural sites within the City of Toronto, the park contains an outstanding concentration of rare plant species. The park offers many popular attractions as well as activities for visitors to enjoy.

High Park’s 399 acres in the middle of Toronto is an excellent getaway for young and old people equally. There are many designated children’s playgrounds, sports facilities, 18 picnic areas, hiking trails, large green spaces, waterfront trails, benches galore and the list goes on and on.

High Park attracts many visitors in the spring to admire the beautiful cherry blossoms, and May is the best time to see the cherry trees in full bloom: Most of the Sakura cherry trees are located around Hillside Gardens and there are a few by the Duck Pond as well.

Sakura trees also known as cherry blossom trees are known for their elegance and beauty. Unfortunately they are also known for their short blooming periods. Approximately one week after the first blossoms appear, ‘kaika’, ‘full bloom’ or ‘mankai’ is achieved.

photograph by Michael Gunawan

photograph by Michael Gunawan

photograph by Michael Gunawan


Posted by on July 16, 2011 in Canada, Flower, nature, photography, travel


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Gardens of Casa Loma Part 4 of 4

Photograph by Michael Gunawan

The garden of Casa Loma, one of the most stunning parts of the building, portrays a wide variety of specialty garden areas in a unique and balanced setting; the colour pattern when many flowers blossom with shrubs and tall trees give an impressive view of the garden.

Artistic displays of annuals find strength in their colour schemes while the many flowering shrubs and trees provide an impressive array of foliage, texture and form. The ever-changing colours of this brilliant floral mosaic allow visitors to enjoy the beauty of the Casa Loma Gardens all season long.

The Gardens: Renovated by the Garden Club of Toronto, the 5 acres surrounding the castle feature formal perennial borders, sculpture and fountains. The wooded hillside showcases wild flowers and ferns plus dramatic rhododendrons and decorative grasses. Enjoy the serene beauty and changing panorama of rainbow colours May through October as the gardens mirror the transition of the Canadian seasons.

The Secret Garden: The Secret Garden gets its name from the perimeter fieldstone walls and cedar hedge that surround it. The area has a cottage garden feel due to the mixed plantings of shrubs and perennials and lush roses cascading down from the Arbour.

Photograph by Michael Gunawan

photograph by Michael Gunawan

Photograph by Michael Gunawan

Photograph by Michael Gunawan

Photograph by Michael Gunawan

Thank you so much to Michael, who guide and take me to visit this Castle.Most beautiful picture in this article is photograph by Michael Gunawan. I wrote about Casa Loma in 4 parts:

  • 1st part, Main Entrance, Main floor,
  • 2nd part, The Second Floor,
  • 3rd part, The Third Floor, Lower Level, and The Stables
  • 4th part, Garden and it’s beautiful flowers
http://www.Casa Loma.Org
Lonely Planet, Canada
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Posted by on July 12, 2011 in Canada, photography, travel


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